
Part of the inspired AI Event Series (Nov 1-4, 2020)

A brand new online format and theme #withoutborders for 2020

Join the world's largest tech community as we discuss the future of Enterprise, BigTech, Startups, Investors and Science


Main Program

Guest Speakers

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Clement Siby

Senior Software Engineer at Aladon LLC

Software architect & full-stack developer with over 16 years of experience.

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Mandy Kapersky

Software Developer at Shopify

Ruby Developer with more than 3 years of experience. Architect & software designer.

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Brandy James

Ruby Developer at Amazon

Business magnate, software developer, investor, and philanthropist.

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Mark Zuckerburg

CEO of Facebook

Business magnate, software developer, investor, and philanthropist.

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Bill Gates

Founder of Microsoft

Business magnate, software developer, investor, and philanthropist.

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Jullian Humpert

Director of the intellectual Forum

Jesus College Cambridge